

River’s End Volunteer Fire Department (R.E.V.F.D.)

   River’s End Volunteer Fire Department (established in 1973) is a 501c 3 organization with about 30 members. The department’s 2 stations and volunteers cover their approximate 30 mile service area in rural southern Brazoria County, Texas. 

–          Station 1 is located at 12070 FM 2918 (River’s End)

–          Station 2 is located at 4322 Recreation Drive (Las Playas) You can contact R.E.V.F.D.   at: REVFD@worldlinkisp.com

   Regularly scheduled department meetings are held at 7 p.m. the second Wednesday of every month at Station # 1 12070 FM 2918 or Station # 2 4322 Recreation Drive(Las Playas) please contact department for meeting location. The public is welcome to attend these meetings.

   R.E.V.F.D. has 2 major fund raisers a year: a Bar-B-Q cook-off in May and a fishing tournament in October. These fund raisers help pay the bills and fund 2 annual community public outreach events each year.

   As the community it serves continues to grow, R.E.V.F.D. continues to reach out to the community for new members. You do not have to be a firefighter to join the department – there are plenty of things anyone can do to help the department prosper and grow. But R.E.V.F.D. is always looking for firefighters to join the department. You do not have to be trained in firefighting to become a volunteer firefighter. R.E.V.F.D.’s program can train a willing volunteer in everything from the basics of firefighting to advanced procedures. If you are interested in learning to fight fires, please attend the next monthly meeting or contact one of the officers..